Friday, May 06, 2005

Move from a short block to a long block

With the cam, timing chain, timing cover, and oil pan installed I can now move on to some of the remaining lower end stuff: the harmonic balancer, oil pickup, and fuel pump. I purchased a new balancer from Summit for something around $40 for a Performance Street Summit brand. I heated it to 250F for 15 minuted to expand the inner sleave and make it easier to go on. Well, easier is a relative thing. I had to take a block to spread the blow of a hammer and literal beat the fool out of the thing to get it all the way seated.

Harmonic balancer and front pulleys installed. This was a bugger to get on even heated! Posted by Hello

Then, on to installing the Summit heads.

The Summit SUM-152123 Heads. The picture on Summit's site doesn't show they have the heart shaped Vortec style combustion chamber which you can see here. These are nice heads for the price, $324 each assembled. Posted by Hello

The heads installed on the block. It's looking like a motor! Posted by Hello


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